✍️ Create your first topic

Here are some principles to keep in mind when you want to post a new topic:

  • Before writing your message, check if the topic has not been already addressed by using the research tool available at the top of the page rechercher
  • When you create a new topic, the first post details your topic: What is it about? What is your question? What kind of answer you are expecting?
  • Be careful that the topic title is explicit enough and reflects clearly your message content.
  • Try to choose the right words in order for the other participants to find easily your topic with the research engine
  • Select the appropriate category for your topic, see this for more details.
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I was hesitating to make a “Typos” topic for each sub-module or for each “section” module. :thinking:

Eventually I made a unique topic for the whole Module 1 not to overcrowd the forum with such topics (when arriving on the forum, it can be confusing).
The thing is, the topic hence does not appear at the end of each sub-module “forum” tab.

I can delete and split it if you think it would be clearer by splitting it.

PS: Well in any case, as a newcomer I can create no more than 3 topics a day… my last one (about the quiz) will await :upside_down_face:

A unique topic (now pinned) for each module is a good idea to avoid an overcrowded forum even if it does not appear on each forum tab.
If someone create a topic in a sub-module, it will be taken into account also!
Thank you for helping us improve the course.

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Hi @TristanH
I modified the default limit of maximum number of replies a new user can make in a single topic until someone replies to them. You should be allowed to post more topics.