Question 9: Choice phrase needs revision?

The third choice in “Q9” says

“[7, 10]: the linear model is substantially better than the dummy classifier”,

shouldn’t it be “[7,9]” as the index starts from 0 and goes to 9 in 10-folds cross validation?

Here we do not refer to the index but the count of folds.

Let me elaborate my question.
0-3: 4 test scores
4-6: 3 test scores
7-10: 4 test scores

TOTAL: 11 test scores

When I print cv_results(“test_scores”), I get 10 values?
Thus, I think it should be “7-9”? or perhaps “1-3” ? or I am doing something wrong?

You are right. If you run


you will get a value of 10 that corresponds to the number of folds, as we are using a 10-fold cross-validation (cv=10).

When you compare models A and B fold-to-fold, you could have for instance that the score in the first fold is better for model A

cv_results_A["test_score"][0] > cv_results_B["test_score"][0]

but have that

cv_results_A["test_score"][i] < cv_results_B["test_score"][i]

for i an integer between 1 and 9. This account for the whole 10 folds indexed from 0 to 9. On the other hand, the number of times A is better than B is a number that can run from 0 (A is never better than B) to 10 (A is always better than B), including every value in between, which accounts indeed to 11 possibilities.

Hi Team,

i know you answered the question already, but its still not clear to me …

so we have 10 folds requested through cv=10

so cross_validate would run 10 rounds … right ?

as in python we have indexing from 0, in python “language” we can say round 0 to 9 …

in “cross fold” language we can say round 1 to 10

but options you have provided are [0-10] ( and you used inclusive brackets … i.e. [ and not ( )

my kind question is … when we do cv=10, do we run another 10 rounds? apart from 1 “actual” round … i.e. 11 total rounds, or we run total “10” rounds

thanks team !!!

We do run 10 rounds. The question here does not refer to the count of rounds, but the count of possible answers. Let me list them for extra clarity:

1- A is better than B 1 time;
2- A is better than B 2 times;
3- A is better than B 3 times;
4- A is better than B 4 times;
10- A is better than B 10 times;
11- A is better than B 0 times, i.e. never better than B.