Question 4_Please explain

Can someone help me explain that question, i totally didn’t understand that question. What do you mean by quantitative numerical value (excluding ordinal categories)

In the module, we saw 2 types of data: numerical data and categorical data. While we presented categorical features to be represented as strings, we also added a note that sometimes they can be represented with numbers (e.g. the month from 1 to 12). This question is pointing out to identify numerical features (“quantitative numerical values”) and make sure to exclude categorical features that use numbers as an encoding (“ordinal categories”).

Okay when you mean quantitative numerical values, you mean those values that came as numerical features?

No, because numerical features can represent an ordinal encoding that is therefore not a quantity (as the examples with months in my previous message).

A quantitative numerical value is really a numerical value that represents a quantity (measuring a temperature, the income of a person, etc.)