Check button not available in quiz

There is no check and save button in quiz, How i supposed to submit the quiz? Please see to it.

Thankyou in advance

Can you make a quick screenshot just to understand on which page it is?

This is the first wrap up quiz

It seems that you are signed up for the first session of the MOOC from the past year that is archived.

On my dashboard, I have the following session:

Ensure to access the session “Started - Feb 15, 2022”

Another way to double-check that you are on the second session (and not the first one) is to make sure that session02 is in the webpage address. For example, this is the address of the Module 1 overview page for the second session:

Note that it contains session02 in the address

yep! , I enrolled with previous course, now i get enrolled with newer version and it’s working fine. Thankyou for your help

Yes, I checked it. I am on second session now