Error 400

I can’t access to the survey I have the following error when clicking on next.

400 : Mauvaise requête

The CSRF token could not be verified.

La requête ne peut pas être interprétée par le serveur à cause d’une syntaxe mal formée.Veuillez ne pas répéter la requête sans modification.

Si vous pensez qu’il s’agit d’une erreur du serveur, veuillez contacter FUN-MOOC.

I have already tried to disconnect and re-login.

@brospars do you know where it could come from?

CSRF token is a cookie to prevent attack across domains so it is probably related to third party cookies being blocked. You could allow third party cookie for or use the provided link : “If display trouble, click on this link.


I used the link (Just seen it 2h ago, sorry). As there is questions related to the free certificate of participation, I will wait until I got mine to complete the survey.

I guess you deliver them at the end (may) of the training period. :’)

Hi @dcluet
Yes, free certifications will be delivered by FUN-MOOC at the end of the course from May 18, 2022.