Model Name

model[-1].n_iter_[0] please what does this mean ‘model[-1]’ and n_iter[0] I looked up to check what model[-1] mean and i got an error. Please can you explain?

if you just print model using print(model), you will see the following output:

Pipeline(steps=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler()),
                ('logisticregression', LogisticRegression())])

Using square brackets you have an access to the steps in the model. In this case -1 is used to receive the last item in the list. You can find more information about accessing items in a list here:

By printing print(model[-1]) you get the name of the model used in your pipeline: LogisticRegression()
Using a point you can have an access to all attributes which the model has. You can find them via this link:

n_iter_ means how many iterations have been made to have the model trained by fitting data. It returns a list and that’s why we use here square brackets to take a value out of the list.

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Thank You @meyka