Minor issue with this line: target > 200_000?

Hello everyone!

When I ran this line target = (target > 200_000).astype(int), I noticed that all the values in column “target” were zero, and I got an error at the end.

Modify the line by target > 200000 and it worked for me. Please confirm if the above is correct. Thanks.

Best regards,

I cannot reproduce the problem, can you please provide the error message or a screenshot?

Thanks Arturo. Attached image of the result.

but if I use target = (target > 200000).astype(int), now this is the result:

Best regards,

I cannot reproduce as well in the FUN interface using a copy pasting:

@l3t022 are you using the fun interface or are it on your local computer. If this is on your local computer, did you copy-paste the line provided online or did you type the line (I could think about something funky with the copy-pasting of the character _).

Can you please run:

200_000 == 200000

in a Jupyter cell? It should return True. If not, please tell us which version of Python you are using:

import sys

Hello @glemaitre58, I am working directly on the FUN platform. Today I tried again (I did Restart & Run All) and everything worked fine.
I don’t know what could have happened :exploding_head: :exploding_head:… I appreciate the attention and the time spent… Saludos

Hi @ogrisel, I am working directly on the FUN platform and yes, it return True.

This is the result to run sys.version
‘3.9.7 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Sep 29 2021, 19:20:46) \n[GCC 9.4.0]’

Now everything worked fine :man_shrugging:
Thank you very much for your help. Saludos,