Missing illustrations


It seems that some illustrations are missing in the chapter on fitting model on numerical data.

How can I see them ?

Uhm strange, I can see the diagram:

Can you try the following:

File → Reset to original

It will remove clear all the output but potentially download the missing file if something were wrong when your environment was set up.

@brospars Do you have any other ideas what could have go wrong there?

File → Reset to original will only reset the notebook itself and not the figures.
Could you share with us your id so that I take a look at your files ?

To get your id run this in a cell :

import os

Hi and thank you for your answers,

Well it seems that all notebooks are in read only mode (as you can see on my previous screenshot). I have been working on my own Jupyter. May these issues be related ?

it seems like you are on the previous mooc session and not the current one. Please use this link : FUN - Connexion à votre compte FUN-MOOC

Indeed! Thank you very much!