Quizz answer improvement in "Set and get hyperparameters in scikit-learn"

Ahoi hoi folks,

as I have various smaller points I would like to mention/outline, I thought creating a comprehensive post would be better than creating one for each. However, if the latter is preferred, I can of course also adapt things accordingly. Please just let me know. Within the comments/points, typos and words/phrases that should be added/changed are marked in bold .

  • Set and get hyperparameters in scikit-learn

    • “…set the value of a hyperparameter…”
    • cell 4: “We saw in the previous exercise that we will be interested to set the value of an hyperparameter.” → maybe rephrase to make reference and point more clear, “Actually, scikit-learn estimators …. the parameters of a model ”
  • cell 7: “We can systematically vary the…”

  • Quiz 8, question 1: no information on why e) is correct

  • Quiz 8, question 2: “Given a model…”

  • Quiz 8, question 3: “Given a model…”

  • Quiz 8, question 4: “Given a model…”

I hope these points/comments are understandable. If not, please let me know if you have questions.

HTH, cheers, Peer

I fixed the grammar bits.

On the quiz aspects::

  • no indication why e (or b for that matter) is correct: I added a small reminder about what a hyperparameter is which I think is good enough to explain the right answers
  • given model I think is OK enough, meaning given the variable model defined as (kind of mathematical wording a bit maybe?)

The quiz still needs to be fixed in FUN, I edited the title and used the appropriate tag.

Should we correct this ?

I think the “given model defined by” is fine and does not need to be corrected since we are talking about a variable.

I am not 100% sure though and it could well be that “given model defined by” is not very idiomatic … but probably good enough.