🤝 To introduce yourself Session 2

Hello everybody!

Let’s get to know each other better… To contribute to a friendlier atmosphere, introduce yourself by replying to this post. Who are you? Why did you come here?

Let’s start!
I am Marie, pedagogical engineer at Inria Learning Lab. With my colleague Laurence, we will be there to answer your questions about the organisation of the MOOC and the use of the platform. Have a nice MOOC!


Hello everyone Im Matias Balian PMP. I am studying a university master in machine learning.
Im developing a ML project to get 3d images model from a single 2d picture. Model your own digital assets.
Please let me know if someone wants to participate
Wap 5491137681456


Hello @MatiasBal and welcome!
The next session of the course will start on February 15. If it’s not already done, you have to sign up on FUN Mooc platform to get ready.
See you soon.

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Hello, my name is Fernando and I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am a chemical engineer but I drifted into IT, besides my daytime job in AWS I teach in various institutions and levels, and that is the purpose of taking these courses, keep on learning and be a better teacher.

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Hello, I am Adrien, an engineer from France. I am curious, and I hope to learn new tools to better interpret data.

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Hola Fernando, consulta que topicos y en que areas das clases?

Hola MatĂ­as,

En un terciario doy una materia sobre ciencia de datos y aprendizaje automático principalmente en R pero estoy incorporando Python.
En un posgrado en automatización doy Informática Industrial (principalmente redes y TCP/IP) y una materia de nivelación con temas de dinámica de fluidos y transferencia de calor.
En un posgrado sobre Internet de las cosas doy Protocolos de Internet.


All my greetings to all of you.
I’m Adama DEMBELE, from Mali. I’m doing a master in data science. Very excited to be here among scientific community where l hope to learn from others. Nice to meet all.

Pour retrouver votre post de la session précédente, vous pouvez utiliser une URL du type (remplacer lesteve par votre nom d’utilisateur): https://mooc-forums.inria.fr/moocsl/search?expanded=true&q=lesteve%20topic%3A226


Hi all!

I am Olivier Grisel, a software engineer at Inria and member of the team of instructors of this MOOC. I have been a contributor and maintainer of scikit-learn almost since the beginning of the project more than 10 years ago.


I am Steven, an engineer from Australia and I work in manufacturing. I am trying to develop ways to critique our processes using ML.

Hello everybody. My name is Twesigye Ronald from Uganda. I am a self employed software developer. I decided recently to dive into the topic of data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence. I want to master using scikit-learn and that’s why I am here to learn from the developers of scikit-learn.

Hello everyone. I am Marjorie and I am a researcher in cognitive neuroscience. I work mainly on neuroimaging and I am interested about ML to go further in data analyses.

Hi, I’m Gaël Varoquaux, I’m a research director at Inria, and I’m interested in machine learning and it’s impact on society, in particular via health applications.

I hope that you will enjoy this MOOC. The most important is that you learn as much as possible. Experience has repeatedly shown that people learn best from each other, by helping each other, or explaining things. This is why we have a forum. Enjoy!


I’m Benoit Rospars software engineer at Inria. I am here to help you on any issues related to this forum or to the Jupyterhub cluster.

Have FUN :slight_smile:


Hello, my name is Olivier Ruas, I am a postdoc at Inria.
I am using ML in my work and I was curious to see how scikit-learn could help me :slight_smile:

I am Alex, software developer with a growing interest in data science, and I expect to get a better understanding about practical machine learning.
Let’s enjoy the course!


I’m Marc, Computational Physicist. I’m from France, currently working in the Netherlands. Looking forward to learn some Machine Learning!

I am Srivatsan from Chennai, India. I am a software Engineer during the day and a machine learning enthusiast by night. Looking forward to learn the art building building models given any dataset.

Hi, I’m Luciano from Brazil, I’m a Pyhon Devloper Data Scientist enthusiast and very excited to start this course.

For those who want to connect, here is my linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucianobatistads/


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