Thanks + general remarks about this MOOC


Thanks to the MOOC conceptors for this MOOC
I am not fluent in Python (but not totally newborn) and I succeeded in following the entire course.
For someone like me that had very few competences in machine learning it was sometimes hard but I learnt a lot of things about concepts and practice.
Very interesting
Just some remarks to help people like me:
Perhaps comment a bit more the code at some points (for instance some Python parts that are used in notebooks and needed in exercices or quiz).
In some final quiz, add more hints for Python or graph part for instance give an indication of a notebook with an example. It will help to concentrate on concepts and scikitlearn parts.
Some remarks about understanding of questions in quiz or exercices have been already done by others in forum.
The goal of my remarks is just to help to let people very debutant not be blocked by some Python parts. But with persevering, you can find way to do in preceding notebooks or on internet but not always the case in exercice.

Thanks again for this Mooc

Thanks for the feedback. We will try to be more careful in making sure that the exercises do not involve any new Python constructs or API usage that were not presented in previous notebooks.