Typos or other remarks on phrasing

In Working with numerical data notebook, there is a missing “of” in some sentence:

In addition, we decide to ignore the column "fnlwgt" . This decision is not linked with the feature being numerical or categorical. Indeed, this feature is derived from a combination of other features, as mentioned in the description of the dataset. Thus, we will only focus on the original data collected during the survey.

In the tip below code cell about train_test_split, there is an issue with plural form of “results” and the use of ‘a’:

random_state parameter allows to get a deterministic results even if we use some random process (i.e. data shuffling).

And in conclusion, I would have add:

In this notebook, we learned how to:

identify numerical data in a heterogeneous dataset;
select the subset of columns corresponding to numerical data;
use scikit-learn helper to separate data into train-test sets;
train and evaluate a more complex scikit-learn model.

Two more notes on “working with numerical data”:


There are a few more cases of “represented with” that should be “represented by”.


In answer to last question of the quiz:

The benefit is that this pipeline exposes the same method and behaves exactly as the final predictor.

I fixed the typos or did some small rewording.

@lfarhi @MarieCollin I updated the quizz in our gitlab in this commit: https://gitlab.inria.fr/learninglab/mooc-scikit-learn/mooc-scikit-learn-coordination/-/commit/7a45e9c316f27ee4eac96f27882948c431cbbfeb

I am not quite psychologically ready to fix the quiz inside FUN but one day maybe who knows :wink: ?

No problem !
Anyway, we receive a notification when you modify a quiz in the Gitlab repository.

Yeah I know this way you get another notification and a few human words on top of it. Not sure this is a lot better …

Also in this case there was a mix of notebook content plus a minor fix in a quizz so this was easier to miss from the forum side.

Also not really related but I tried to use “Staff Notice” to mention that the problems mentioned by a given post were fixed. Maybe this is slightly better than editing the post to add “Fixed” at the bottom? You can not edit the Staff text though so you need to remove it and re-add it.

This is how it looks:

Add Staff Notice/Remove Staff Notice is available in the wrench icon (bottom right) on a post:

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