Très mécontent

Je ne vous remercie pas pour ce cours que j’ai vite abandonné, car il était impossible d’utiliser les notebooks et d’accéder au forum depuis mon navigateur habituel : Safari sur Mac. C’est le premier cours où j’ai ce type de problèmes.

J’ai quand même fait la première leçon, et j’ai trouvé les questions du premier quizz très ambigües.

J’ai récupéré tout le cours depuis le Github. Je vais pouvoir me replonger dedans.

Je compte lui répondre (en anglais bien sûr ça va sans dire) d’ici quelques heures voire demain, parce qu’il y a absolument aucune raison qu’on encourage les comportements toxiques en y répondant rapidement.

Hi, I am going to answer in English so that my answer is potentially useful for more people.

About Safari I understand your frustration but unfortunately this is a deeply technical issue that we can do very little about, see Error 405 : Method Not Allowed for more details.

About quizz questions, I encourage you to post new topics if you find questions or answers unclear! This will be very useful feed-back for the next MOOC session! Keep in mind that designing quizzes is actually very hard, we learned this the hard way during the beta tests and this first MOOC session.

More generally, communication is hard I know but please try to stay constructive :pray:! How to Contribute to Open Source | Open Source Guides is a great ressource about this kind of things.


Sorry to be not constructive, I can understand, I’m also a teacher. You also have to hear the complaints.
I wanted to put some remarks in forum after the first quizz, but it was impossible to connect to forum, so I cancelled. Some weeks or days later, I received a mail, explaining the problems about using the MOOC and the forum.
But, I have been so frustrated that I didn’t try to continue the MOOC until I received a last mail telling me the end of the MOOC, giving me the opportunity to talk about my frustration. And seeing a lot of not constructive ‘Merci !’ making me more angry.
It’s the first time I abandon a MOOC because a technical problem. I’ve been following MOOCs maybe since 10 years, and neither had problems with Safari.
So please, fix the problems with Safari.

Hi Laurent,
this is just my honest opinion about your words and it is not meant to be rude.
You can fix your problems yourself, just use any other browser than Safari.
If you don´t want to do that, ok, it´s your choice to do so.
But then don´t whine about it and do not tell anybody how to build their webpages.
Kind regards,


We don’t know of any other way to make it possible to pass Fun/MOOC EdX credentials transparently in an iframe to the backing self-hosted jupyterhub instance.

If you know of any solution please feel free to help us by sending a pull request, but beware that setting up everything to make it work together is probably non-trivial:

Pour info, d’après Full Third-Party Cookie Blocking and More | WebKit (cherchez “Developer Guidance”, pas moyen d’avoir une anchor là-dessus :pensive:), les options:

  • OAuth 2
  • Storage Access API to have access to 1st party cookie
  • un truc de backward-compat probablement pas à envisager en premier choix

C’est probable qu’on ait des problèmes dans les années qui viennent. Chrome avait dit en Janvier 2020 (voir Chromium Blog: Building a more private web: A path towards making third party cookies obsolete) qu’ils bloqueraient tous les cookies 3rd party d’ici 2 ans (donc Janvier 2022) mais bon c’est pas une annonce super précise et ça a peut-être changé depuis …

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Thanks for the details.

Just use Chrome… I do that on my Mac.

Or firefox if you want a more privacy aware alternative to google products.

I think the main problem, which crippled me, was nothing saying not using Safari because ‘the credentials could not be passed in Safari’s iframe’. I could not connect with Safari to forums, to see some explanations, so it’s the first I see a form not working with Safari. And when I went on Chrome, I could not connect to forums. So I was very upset. Maybe I have to buy a PC on Windows 10 and use Edge, it’s a joke :wink:

My solution has been to download the notebooks lessons from github on my MacBook.
But not following the lessons on FUN get me quickly loosing the link with the course, and I thought that I could dive into the excellent scikit-learn tutorials: scikit-learn Tutorials — scikit-learn 0.24.2 documentation

That’s surprising. I have a MacBook and I did the course on it with Chrome; I actually did all the lessons locally (I had my reasons) but did the quizzes online, of course.

I just checked, I can also access the course via Firefox.

As for the forum, I can access it and post via my Samsung phone, as I do now – see picture.

This is just an integration problem: Fun MOOC hosts the main navigation and manage user subscriptions. Then Inria hosts both the jupyterhub instance and the discourse forum on its own server and we need a transparent way to propagate the user’s authentication information to those platforms when they show as embedded element in the Fun MOOC pages (using iframes).

Safary became more stringent and no longer allows third party cookies which is the way this transparent integration between the different systems work. The other browsers (independently of the operating system) all allow third party cookies for the time being (unless you disable them in the configuration or via privacy. preserving extensions).

We will probably need to find another way to do this integration in the future, but for the time being, just install firefox for this mooc session (or use any other browser of you choice except safary).

I am surprised people still took the time to answer such non-constructive feedback. I assume that if you are trying to learn sklearn is because you want to use it either for research or to work in the industry with data science.
I am afraid that the number 1 skill to have for such endeavour is the ability to proactively find solutions and answers to issues when you are blocked, e.g. use other browser, ask on the forums.
The course is fantastic. It is the first time I see a material with details of the conventions used and the infrastructure of sklearn, as it was built by people both very competent and close to the development of the library itself.
It is a good added value to the tons of medium articles which are often a demo of calling a classifier with some random dataset…