Thank you for the great course!

Dear Instructors,
Thank you very much for this great course!
My background is in Economics, where we mostly care about the fit of (structural) economic models, and not so much about prediction and often not so much about model selection. Learning about the latter two aspects was really insightful.
A major strength of the course was that it pushed me so quickly towards advanced Python/sklearn model writing, I think this will save me a lot of time when I will start my own ML-projects in the future.
I also liked the the videos - there could be even more of them :slight_smile:
Thank you,

Thanks for your feed-back this is great to hear of course!

About videos they have the downsides to be time consuming to produce and also not that easy to update if you want to change them for future sessions. If you remember specific parts of the MOOC where a video would have made the explanation a lot clearer this would be very welcome!

If I may, I think videos could be great in the module 7.
It’s a very important part with some concepts that are not easy to aprehend with only notebooks.

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Arturo has added some videos in Module 7 and suggestion is not super specific so removing the priority mooc-v2.