About Jupyter Notebooks Guide


In the Jupyter Notebooks Guide, the comment of the square function (example of a code cell) is still in French.

Below, one of the paragraph’s title is :

Back to original the course version

Shouldn’t it be “Back to the original course version” instead?

In Shutdown running notebooks, “Then, Click on each button” -> “Then click on each button”

I corrected the typo mistakes.
About the comment of the square function in french, you may modify the setting of your browser (english language).

About the comment, it’s strange, because all other comments are in English.
I was referring to the comment inside the code cell itself, which hasn’t been translated into English:

All other contents are in English.
By the way, even with browser settings set to English language, some Jupyter contents are still in French, such as Exécuter button instead of Run button, and Entrée[] instead of In[].

Thanks for the comment in french, I corrected it.
For the Jupyter contents, you should restart your browser.
Look at my menu bar with mozilla firefox:

If it still doesn’t work, can you try to modify your FUN parameters (language=english).

Hello Laurence,

Even with both browser and FUN set to English, jupyter interface still shows in French for some entries, like run button.

I don’t think it is such a big issue. Maybe because I’ve already used some notebooks from Python courses.


le commentaire contient toujours un peu de français :slight_smile:

math.sqrt (pour square root) calculates the square root

import math

You may need to follow the instructions from How to go back to original version of a notebook? to reset your notebook to the latest version.

Personally I see this in english:

Also as a general rule of thumbs I would say favour English over French unless you feel a lot more comfortable in French :wink:. If a thread has started in one language it is probably better to keep using the same language throughout the thread.