Creating subtitles for videos


There is no subtitles for videos.
It might be helpful, specially for learners who aren’t comfortable with English.
If you want, I may try to create them, but they will need to be reviewed, as I’m not so sure about my English myself.
That would take some time though. When is this course to be released?

Hi there, thanks for proposing your help on this!

We aim to have subtitles for the first public version which should start mid-May if everything goes according to plan :crossed_fingers:.

Currently the plan is to pay an external company to create the subtitles. Help in reviewing the subtitles afterwards would certainly be very welcome! It is likely that some technical terms and/or French accents cause problems to the subtitling company.

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If my past MOOC experience is representative, you should indeed review everything carefully. Some proposed subtitles I saw were more entertaining than useful.