Error when downloading as Pdf via LaTex

No that big of a deal but crash when downloading as Pdf via LaTex.

----- The error happens when pdf-printing the table -------

----- Error 500 --------

No more error when deleting these lines (later narrowed it down to when deleting the horizontal separation line)

PDF-printing works when the lines are deleted

Googled around the net, and maybe some LaTex processing errors with tables

Problems with downloading PDF has been reported in other places e.g. First model with scikit-learn - PDF of the course or Download as PDF via LaTeX.

It’s rather unlikely we fix this in this MOOC session (or even if the next MOOC session).

I would be interested by your use case to be honest, in this to have a PDF version of the full MOOC that you can keep for future reference?

Maybe something we could do to answer such a use case in a slightly different fashion is to allow to download all the notebooks from FUN. Not sure how easy this is.

I like to keep a reference to my work on MOOCs, as I spend quite some effort on them after my normal day of work.

This ML Python MOOC is especially thorough and dense, and I know that when modeling, for example, with RandomForest some time from now, I’ll be shuffling through my notes to get going. Searching rapidly through my PDF notes in a click will save me time. Knowing also that, at some point in time, I had a good handle of this will give me some mental comfort :slight_smile:

1) Go to the saved course

2) Easily find all the references to RandomForest

OK thanks for the details!

Note you can also search in the rendered notebooks version for example:

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Yes, although I annotate my notebooks with plenty of extra code and comments sometimes, as the code is sometimes cryptic for a Python / scikit beginner.

(And the code execution is in my pdf)

Yes makes sense …

I guess to cover this kind of use cases I would be in favour of:

  • add an easy way to download all the notebooks at once from the FUN-MOOC platform (full disclosure: not sure how feasible this is)
  • for people that want PDFs, they can then figure out how to do it on their machine (via nbconvert for example)