
most of the functions’ lines are quite clear except the highlighted part, it needs some clarification to understand it

I also had some issues understanding these 3 lines of code, as I don’t know Python. The following helped me get a sense of what’s going on here. In a nutshell, a lot of compact plumbing to:

  1. standardize a variable (as in StandardScaler) by removing the mean and scaling to a variance of 1, as in Z = (x - mean(x)) / std(x)

  2. encode labels / categories / classes to numerical values (when the function will be later called with LogisticRegression, there will be two values returned, 0 and 1)

  3. Then the matplotlib contourf() function does its job

Just to comment only on the three lines:

  1. The first line of code allows predicting on all possible locations of the 2D space. np.c_ is used to concatenate while .ravel() is used to transform the 2D matrix into a 1D vector. The purpose here is to get a 2D matrix with two columns (xx and yy) where the number of lines corresponds to the number of point on the 2D grid (generate by meshgrid)
  2. The second line makes sure that the label is starting from 0 until the number of classes (it will be used for the color in matplotlib)
  3. The last line is to reshape the predictions to shape of the meshgrid.
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How do we know the output of the meshgrid, xx and yy is a 2 D array but based on the meshgrid function it does not put 2 square bracket.

create a grid to evaluate all possible samples

plot_step = 0.02
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(
np.arange(*range_features[feature_names[0]], plot_step),
np.arange(*range_features[feature_names[1]], plot_step),

Last question regarding array also. Why do we need to take the last regressor and first coefficient value? I tried to change the slicing value but it resulted an error.

coefs = logistic_regression[-1].coef_[0] # the coefficients is a 2d array
weights = pd.Series(coefs, index=culmen_columns)

coefs to be a pandas series is expected to be a 1d array. However, this is a 2d array of shape (n_features, 1). So [0] allows getting a 1darray of shape (n_features,)

The coefficient is the weights that become series after apply pd.Series.
Ok, I get the idea od series is a 1 dimensional array (n_feature,)

However, I still cannot understand how to identify it is a 2d array for the coefficient. Can you explain a bit?

Why we need to take the last element of the model ( logistic_regression[-1])?


will return something like (n_features, 1) which means it is 2-dimensional.

You could also use


That will tell you 2.

I assume that logistic_regression is a pipeline. Thus [-1] corresponds to the LogisticRegression that contains the coef_.