Jupyter notebooks

Hello, Jupyter Notebooks are currently not running for me. Is anyone else having problems?

Hi Visha, all is working fine for me. What kind of error do you get?

Hi Thomas, Thank you for looking into it. It is not giving me any error - they simply don’t display the output. The load just fine.

Hi Thomas, Does “Comparing results with baseline and chance level” work for you?

Hi Visha,
the notebook works fine until cell 5 with the permutation_test_score calculation.
15 min ago it took quite some time to compute but it finished. Now the notebook disconnects with n_permutations=30, i reduced it to 5 and then it worked.
Seems to be some server memory and cpu issues.

I am also having problems with the notebooks :s

Hi Thomas, Now the notebook is not loading and showing me 502 Bad Gateway error.

You are right. It seems that the serveur encountered some problem. We are working on it with @brospars.
Meanwhile you can run the notebooks locally.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

It’s back, @brospars rebooted the jupyter hub server.
Sorry for the inconvenience

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