Question 15 - boxplot_property

Hi everyone,

Just a small heads-up. I wanted to have a look at the solution of Question 15 and the snippet is not working properly. Otherwise, thank you for this great course!

Best, Pia

The boxplot_property is defined in the answer of Q. 1:

boxplot_property = {
    "vert": True,
    "whis": 100,
    "patch_artist": True,
    "widths": 0.5,
    "rot": 90,
    "boxprops": dict(linewidth=3, color="black", alpha=0.9),
    "medianprops": dict(linewidth=2.5, color="black", alpha=0.9),
    "whiskerprops": dict(linewidth=3, color="black", alpha=0.9),
    "capprops": dict(linewidth=3, color="black", alpha=0.9),