M3 Cross validation and nested search


I am now confused about cross validation and the parameter cv which is also present in GridSearchCV or RandomizedSearchCV…

Question 1) cv in cross_validate

First, back to basics. In the example / picture below, can you please remind me how is the split done?

1.1) Is the entire dataset split in 5, and then validation done 5 times on each subset? cv=5?

1.2) And how is the split done between train and test on each subset?

Question 2) cv in GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV

When we train_test_split and then search the hyperparameter space, a cross validation also happens. Which train and test data does this validation use? The “manual” train_test_split?

Question 3) Nested cv’s

I guess question 3) could have been the last question in question 1)…

After cross_validate, we have an indication of the performance of the model (score) and a sense of the “stability” of the model with respect to its hyperparameters.

If performance is “good” and if model is stable in some region, e.g. polynomial of degree 5, we have to fit this model^5 on a train / test data after this cross validation phase, and we are happy. Is that it?

Yes, if calling cross_validate(model, X, y, cv=5), X will be split into 5 folds.

You split into 5 partitions. Thus you can perform 5 iterations where at each iteration a single partition (the blue data) is used for testing and the other partitions (red data) for training.

A train_test_split is a single iteration of the cross-validation. In the code that you show, we split the data into a training and testing set. Then, we provide only the training data to a randomized search CV. This estimator will try different parameters and evaluate each configuration by splitting training data into 5 folds and get 5 scores for each hyperparameter configuration.

Nested cross-validation just means that instead of using an outer train_test_split, we use proper cross-validation. It gives us more information regarding the variation of the score of the best-picked models.

There is something that we don’t discuss here but it is also from interest is to check the variability of the hyperparameters of the best picked models.