Possible typo in the text of Quiz M3.02, question 3

Option c) in question 3 says:

c) GridSearchCV can be computationally intensive when the number of parameters and the number of possible parameter values grows

I feel like a verb is missing between “when the number of parameters” and “and the number of possible parameter values grows”. Or maybe the verb “grows” refer to “number of parameters” and “number of possible parameter values”: in this case the sentence is correct, but “grow” should be plural, i.e., you should drop the “s”. Anyway, the meaning of the sentence (which is what matters most) should be (IIUC) “computationally intensive when the number of parameters d, and the level of each such parameter l_i, grow”. Is my understanding correct?

I agree, the this should be “grow” without “s” and we could add and “either”:

c) GridSearchCV can be computationally intensive when either the number of parameters or the number of possible values for each parameter grow

or we could just simplify to:

c) GridSearchCV can become very computationally intensive when the number of parameters grows

Edit the latter suggestion has been implemented.

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