Question 2 - suggestion

I wrongly answered at the question no 2 because I didn t know what it means “much better”. I had a different definition in my mind.
Then I saw that you are using "significantly better " at the question no 3 with a definition of what it means. I suggest to give the same definition on question no 2 too.
Otherwise, it was an interesting and fun quiz.
Thanks for creating this course.


I did the same mistake because of “much better”; and unfortunately for this tricky question, only one submission was allowed! I reckon for this specific question, it could be “much better” to make two submissions possible! :smiley:

I wholeheartedly agree. I generally think such qualitative judgements occur rather often in the lectures and exercises, as well as answers of questions or even in the questions themselves.
I’d also prefer the questions regarding differences between values to either be clearly defined as in “statistically significant” (e.g. with a significance test) or just in absolute terms without additional qualification (e.g., “is better” or “is worse”).

Related to Question 2 but not the issue: there is a typo in the answer → cross-valdiated

Unfortunately, doing proper statistically significant tests for model comparison is too complex and beyond the scope of this introductory notebook. But we should be more specific in the instruction and always give an arbitrary decision threshold such as one or two standard deviations of the cross-validation scores.

People interested in the matter with a background in statistics can have a look at this tutorial from the scikit-learn documentation:

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The same happened to me.
Instead of writting “much better” I would suggest writting it in absolute terms like “at least X% better”.

same here

Same… the question needs to be more precise

same problem with question 2. I like this course a lot, but the quizzes are more a semantic challenge than a quantitative challenge for me.

Fixed in FIX give definition of much better · INRIA/scikit-learn-mooc@dc3b2f8 · GitHub We will need to make changes in FUN

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