Quiz interface improvement for second answer

suggestion: when the correct answer is already selected in the first attempt, the second verification should be disabled, by mistake in questionnaire M3.02 I marked the answer of question 5 in question 4 which was initially correct in the first attempt.

I am not sure that the FUN platform allows for such tweaking. But I agree that it would be more intuitive as a user-facing interface.

ping @MarieCollin @lfarhi

FYI I tagged this fun-mooc-feed-back.

General tip: I think a screenshot would help a lot to make the problem more clear :wink:

I also edited the title of the post to be more explicit but feel free to improve it since I am not sure I understand the problem :confused:.

As said @glemaitre58, we have no control over the quiz interface imposed by the FUN plateform.