Suggestion: extend Quiz M3.01


since at the very beginning of the notebook we split the dataset in train and test, and then we use cross-validation on the train set to find the best hyperparameters, it would be nice to extend the quiz the following way:

  • set the hyperparameters to the best performing values according to cross_val_score
  • retrain the model on the full training set
  • compute the score on the test set

It’s a very small addition, but it gives some satisfaction. At least, it was satisfying for me :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is not possible to add quiz questions during an ongoing session, but I added the tag suggestion so we can have a further look for one of the next session.

Something to bear in mind is that from what I can gather in the forum, you are amongst the advanced participants in our course (I seem to remember you said you have used scikit-learn for years but not 100% sure). This means that something you find fun and satisfying maybe found too hard and motivation-saping by 75% of our audience :wink:.

Something also to bear in mind: generally we tried to have quizzes that need no (or very little) code to answer questions (not sure this we followed this guideline everywhere though …). Wrap-up quizzes are the places where you need to write code to answer questions.

Also you were able to ask yourself the question and answer it so maybe there is no need for an additional quiz :wink:.

Sure, mine was a suggestions for future sessions of the MOOC. I understood that as the first group to attend the MOOC, we were asked to provide feedbacks in order to improve it for the future.

Got it. I thought that it would be doable by someone who was able to complete the rest of the quiz, but I may be underestimating the complexity of the question.

Actually I did what you suggested :grinning:

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Sure, mine was a suggestions for future sessions of the MOOC

Understood, thanks!

I understood that as the first group to attend the MOOC, we were asked to provide feedbacks in order to improve it for the future.

Definitely, feed-back is always appreciated and so far we got plenty of very useful feed-back, keep it coming :slight_smile:!

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