Question 4 Grading


Not sure if there are any technical issues with Grading of question 4. I chose the correct answers the first time and was marked wrong. Could you kindly check.

Thank you!

I made a try on the platform. It worked properly. I am not sure what was the issue for you. Maybe some browser issue.

Thanks so much for the quick response. Not sure if you can check my history (I believe edx supports this) but you would notice I chose correct answers in my first attempt then was marked wrong. Only to change my mind and later realized the initial answers were right.

I don’t really manage the FUN platform but I could see that:

  • you first answer was validated with no checkboxes checked;
  • the second one was choice 0 and 3.

So I assume that something was wrong on the first try but to be honest this out of my hand (I am more fond of machine learning questions :slight_smile: ) If the issue is happening on some other quizzes, @MarieCollin @lfarhi can have a deeper look.

That’s really strange since I had selected the correct answers. Can you reset the attempts?

Hello @sokiya
I can only check your last attempt and your answer is wrong, sorry.

It’s already known the last attempt was incorrect :slight_smile: The question is whether there could be a bug in the platform. @glemaitre58 confirmed my first attempt was with empty boxes. Don’t you think it doesn’t make sense?
Hope its an error from my end since it can be costly for students.

@lfarhi knows better the FUN platform. I try to interpret some json file but I am probably wrong. I will trust @lfarhi.