Why KNearestClassifier with 1 neighbor does not have 100% accuracy on train data?

I was playing with the number of neighbors of a KNeighborsClassifier, and I trained it with only 1 neighbor. I then run a prediction using the same dataset, and I got an accuracy of 77%, instead of 100%.
Is there something I am not understanding ? With one neighbor, testing on the training data would always find the exact data, hence giving 100% precision.

I tested with adult_census_numerical data, and the following code.
model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1)

Thank you for your answer.

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There is one case where it will not give 100% :slight_smile: If you have duplicated samples with different classes. If I recall properly, this is the case in the Adult Census dataset.


Yep this is exactly what is happening, because we are using only numerical features we have plenty of data points where the features match exactly but the class (low-income or high-income) is different.