Running locally


I prefer to run locally on my machine. Everything works fine except the “Download As Pdf via LaTex”. Any way to fix?

# 500 : Internal Server Error

Not a big deal but it is nice to see LaTex fonts :slight_smile:


Actually it does not also work on the online version when a graph is in the notebook.

LaTeX Warning: File `…/figures/api_diagram-columntransformer.svg’ not found on input line 490.

You need to install TexLive and Pandoc to make it works locally. Here is the nbconvert doc : Installation — nbconvert 6.0.8.dev0 documentation

Regarding the missing figure error, did you download the whole repository ?

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Yes, the whole repository (or I followed the download instructions).



Back to this MOOC this week, as I didn’t have time last week to work on Week 2 / Module 2.

I prefer to run locally. However it seems like the file is incomplete, it doesn’t have Module 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. Could you please email it?

Thanks is something we have used for a one-day course based on the MOOC material. If you are up for it, and want to extend it for the full MOOC a Pull Request on the github repo would be more than welcome! Probably add a new file named or something like this. In an ideal world this could be automated from the jupyter-book/_toc.yml but this is not high priority.

Also out of curiosity, can you detail a bit more why you prefer to run locally? A few possible reasons I can find:

  1. the JupyterHub infrastructure has been down a few times (hopefully we will fix that soon) so it does not happen as often
  2. there are things in the Jupyter notebook interface in the FUN-MOOC platform that you don’t like. This would help to add more details if this is the case
  3. you want to be able to keep your work on your notebooks. Maybe if this is of high importance for you we could provide a way to download all the notebooks from your JupyterHub user space.
  4. you like being in control and tackling challenges :wink:
  5. likely other reasons I have not thought of

I think the general consensus from our side is:

  • we provide Jupyter notebooks for user convenience so that it is easy to run the notebooks. This is the recommended way to follow the MOOC
  • the notebooks are available in our github repo so you can run the notebooks locally if you want
  • if you run the notebooks locally it means you are willing to fix the problems (yourself or with the help of other MOOC participants in the forum).

Hi, thanks for the answers.

I managed to find a way to run the other notebooks, for example just by entering the url:


As to the answers to your questions:

Yes, to:

3), as I am also learning Python and, possibly, won’t always have access to the MOOC (e.g. no internet connection, in a country or location where internet access is expensive, I used to work a lot on planes before Covid – 18-hour non-stop flight from Singapore to New York)
4), a bit of that :slight_smile:

Makes sense (in particular the working without internet which I did not think of), thanks for your answers!

Hopefully we will manage to fix the problems we have seen in our JupyterHub very soon.