Download not working

I am trying to download a notebook but “Download as…” does nothing. Any idea how to fix this?


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I am also trying to open Module 1 Tabular Data Exploration Lecture or Jupyter Notebook but it’s giving error.

504 Gateway Time-out


The Jupyterhub server encountered an issue this morning. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused by this technical problem. We are currently investating on what caused it.

But it should be back to normal now.


I have the same problem, I can’t download any notebook. To be more precise, File > Download as > PDF via LaTeX (.pdf) open the notebook on a new tab. I also tried others download options and File > Print Preview but it ended with the same result: the notebook on a new tab.

It works for me, could you try with another browser ?

Well, I was going to try a new browser but I tried one last time with my current browser, the same as yesterday (firefox), and it works.

Thanks for feedback anyway.