Dropping in multiclass encoding

You mention that

Dropping one of the one-hot encoded column is a common practice, especially for binary categorical features.

Does this technique/approach generalize well to multiclass one-hot encoding?

Furthermore, is that something that you suggest we do in Regression problems only, or as a general rule (i.e for classification problems also)?

Dropping a column if a feature is not binary can be done but be aware that one could lose interpretability of the model. Imagine that you are training a model on the following encoded features:

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
import numpy as np

X = np.array([["rabbit"] * 5 + ["dog"] * 3 + ["snake"] * 4], dtype=object).T
ohe = OneHotEncoder(drop="first").fit(X)

then it would assign the encoded vectors in alphabetical ordering:

>>> array([[1., 0.]])
>>> array([[0., 0.]])
>>> array([[0., 1.]])

Then the interpretation of the model requires us to take into account the premise that dogs are regarded as non-rabbit-nor-snake animals.