Question #6 Ordering the scores or not?


I am wondering if to compare both list of scores, we should (or not) order them first to compare the best score of one to the best score of the other, etc… I actually did that spontaneously but then I was not that sure it was relevant or not. But clearly, ordering the scores changes significantly the result (from 7/10 to 9/10).

Thanks for any comment on that point.



Hello @PTocquin,

We compare fold-to-fold to compare the models on the same basis i.e. being trained and tested on the same subsets of data.

Imagine for instance that one fold has a lot of outliers and one of the models is particularly robust when learning them but another one isn’t. Then the former would perform better but just in a very particular case (which is by definition is more the exception than the rule) whereas the overall performance of the not-so-robust but ok-performing model might be better for the rest of the splits.

At the end of the day, it’s more consistent to compare things on the same basis.


Thank you Arturo.

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