No display after using the code last question of the exercice

When I am running this code, I don’t get the graph display. do you have an idea why ?

code last question of the exercice…

import seaborn
pairplot_figure = seaborn.pairplot(penguins, hue=“Species”)

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I think the problem is the double quotes " " you are using “ ”


I have the same problem.

Have you tried changing the quotation marks?

I don’t undersdant what you mean with the quotaton marks.
What’s wrong with this code :
pairplot_figure = seaborn.pairplot(penguins, hue=“Species”)

Rhe mistake, on my side was the fact that I not write correctly the name of the variable which contains my data. The quote change with the copy paste…

still not working

What Is the error message you are obtaining @marbot?

Hello Arturo
I don’t have a message error. I don’t get the graph display.
I need to use matplotlib to see a plot :

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

@marbot could you post a screenshot of what you are seeing? This would help us a lot to understand your issue!

Are you running the notebook inside the FUN MOOC platform (which is the recommended option)?

Thanks a lot for your usefull answer . i have used the FUN MOOC platform and finaly, it’s working now.

OK great to hear that!