Registration for session 3 of the Mooc opens

Hello everyone!
We are happy to tell you that the Mooc “Machine learning in Python with scikit-learn” is coming back!

If you started the course last session and didn’t quite finish it, this is your chance to get back into it.

Course dates: October 18, 2022 to January 17, 2023, now open for registration (scikit-learn MOOC - Course - FUN MOOC)


Thanks, I really liked the last session. I would like to know if there will be any new topics coming up this time. Looking forward to it


Hope this time we are covering more topics, like SVM unsupervised learning etc.

This new session only includes a couple of fixes and improvements based on issues reported by participants in the forum of the 2 last sessions but does not cover new material or concepts.

Is there going to be another session this year?
And if so, would it be some new topic ?

It is hard to make predictions especially about the future :wink:.

Let’s say we have not decided yet, the most likely if there is a new session in 2023, is that most of the material will stay the same.