Videos and slides

could you please provide the video recording and slides with options to download?

Unfortunately we don’t have any downloading option right now.

You can always get the source file on the original repository: scikit-learn-mooc/slides at main · INRIA/scikit-learn-mooc · GitHub

It requires to start an HTTP local server to visualize them (so it is not straightforward).

Concerning the videos, there is a YouTube playlist with all the videos of the course.

But you can still browse the slides online on the jupyter book page that will stay online after this session ends on FUN:

just a suggestion: please number all notebooks with chapter in the name, it’s impossible to follow the order as they are archived on github.
Thank you

Yes but we did not want to put numbers in filename initially because we wanted to have the flexibility to reorganize the order of the contents without breaking all the URLs.

To help you navigate between the title and the notebook files you might find using this page with a consolidated index / table of contents helpful: