Box-plot property

I tried running this solution code
coefs = [pipeline[-1].coef_[0] for pipeline in cv_results["estimator"]] coefs = pd.DataFrame(coefs, columns=data.columns) _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10)) coefs.abs()**boxplot_property, ax=ax) but i am getting the below error.
Please how do i fix this, i have searched for solutions but couldn’t find any

NameError: name ‘boxplot_property’ is not defined

Check that you run the cell where the variable bloxplot_property is defined.

It was not defined

It is defined in the answer to question 1:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# Define the style of the box style
boxplot_property = {
    "vert": True,
    "whis": 100,
    "patch_artist": True,
    "widths": 0.5,
    "rot": 90,
    "boxprops": dict(linewidth=3, color="black", alpha=0.9),
    "medianprops": dict(linewidth=2.5, color="black", alpha=0.9),
    "whiskerprops": dict(linewidth=3, color="black", alpha=0.9),
    "capprops": dict(linewidth=3, color="black", alpha=0.9),

_, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10))
_ =**boxplot_property, ax=ax)

Thank You. Will check it out