Thanks with a feedback

Dear colleagues,

Thank you for your passion to educate people and doing it a well-structured. I have some experience in Data Science and first of all I was interested in the MOOC to get some more hints about sciki-learn and probably Data Science itself. And I have found some of them in the material and in discussions also.

To be more structured I have segregated my feedback by sections and i hope it would be useful for you:


  1. Perfect balance for newcomers in Data Science: you have covered most of topics with some good practises without complex math details. Generally, The one who wants to have details will find some additional materials. The one who wants to start his first DS project have a boost to do it well-structured and correct.
  2. Possibility to easy start education. Therefore technical part of tasks do not block anyone.
  3. Accessibility of the team. You are ready to support and discuss complex topics what encourage to get new and more robust knowledges.


  1. Put advanced topics/parts of MOOC for advanced users / hungry for knowledge. It could as well math topics, as library and project structure topics.
  2. Create a final project to strengthen new knowledges.
  3. Make a peer review/expert review. Probably it could be “cross validation” among participants.

It will increase involvement in the scikit-learn from different users, creates additional feedback about the MOOC and the library. Also advanced users can spread their new knowledge/practises within colleagues of their circle of acquaintances.

Again, Thanks a lot for your efforts! You are one of the light in our world!

Hi @PvPDantes
Thanks a lot for your detailed feedback and suggestions.