Module 0 : Introduction
Sequences | Units |
Course presentation |
How to use the FUN Platform? |
How to use the Forum ? |
Assessment and Open Badges |
Introduction with expert interviews |
Getting started with JupyterLab and sunspot time series |
Reproducibility and research software communities |
Start-of-course survey |
Module 1: Managing data
Module 2: Managing software
Module 3: Managing computations
Sequences | Units |
3.0 Introduction |
3.1 Why do we need workflows? |
3.2 From notebooks to shell scripts |
3.3 Workflows with `make` |
3.4 Workflows with `snakemake` |
3.5 Workflows and environments |
3.6 Conclusion |
Final survey and Open Badge request
Sequences | Units |
Ask for your completion badge! |
Your general feedback |