Question 9 wrong!

In the last question we have to answer if BalancedBagging (BB) is better or worse than HistGradientBoosting (HGB).

In question #6, the explanation of the answer was that HGB has a balanced accuracy of “x”, and in the question #9 BB has a balanced accuracy of “y”. I don’t want to put the answers explicitly.

Well, with these numbers is obvious who of them is better than the other, BUT THE CORRECT ANSWER IS THE OPPOSITE!!!

Please, check that question because it will create a lot of wrong answers. Thanks

Thanks for your comment and not providing the answers while still make the problem clear! I had a look and indeed I think you are right, good catch!

What we will do is roughly this:

  • we will work on fixing the answer
  • the Question 9 will be reset so that everyone that has already answered, has a chance to retake it. I am going to cc @lfarhi and @MarieCollin for visibility

General tip: using capital letters and multiple exclamation marks can be perceived as a bit aggressive (at least that’s how I see it but I agree this is not an universal thing) so maybe try to avoid it next time (maybe use bold instead) !

It would be great to make this forum a place for constructive discussions and we all have to play a part if we want to make it happen :wink:!

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I pushed this fix in our internal repo (also for a follow-up grammar fix)

The Question 9 has been corrected in FUN platform and the attempts has been reset.
You can answer again !

Thanks a lot for correct the question so quickly, you are so efficient. And sorry for the capital letters, I only want to remark the point, not to be aggresive. Trust me I am the first one who wants this course to be constructive.

By the way I think it is an excellent course, thanks for everythingt

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And sorry for the capital letters, I only want to remark the point, not to be aggresive

No worries, let’s just say that communication between humans is tricky sometimes :wink:!

Trust me I am the first one who wants this course to be constructive.

Great to hear :slight_smile:!

This question has a lot of confusions, because you stated that " balanced accuracy of the BalancedBaggingClassifier" and not the " balanced accuracy of the BalancedBaggingClassifier with HistGradientBoostingClassifier as a base_estimator" !
So I think the right answer in this case is (a).
Please correct this and reset question state too.


Please, do not tell us what to do.

FYI, the reformating of the question is tracked in Wrap Up Quiz with a todo flag.

Sorry, I didn’t mean anything. It was a friendly suggestion just for making this MOOC better

It was a friendly suggestion just for making this MOOC better

Thanks a lot then! As @glemaitre58 said this is problem is tracked already, it’s just that we did not have the time to tackle it yet.

Communication is very hard, we know it and still this does not make it easier :wink:.

Just a small suggestion instead of (I know I simplified your comment this is for illustration purposes):

This question has a lot of confusions. Please correct this and reset question state too.

Something like this feels a lot nicer:

It seems like I was not the only one who was confused by this question. It would be really great if you could reset this question so that we have another chance to get it right.

How to Contribute to Open Source | Open Source Guides is a really great ressource about this kind of things. This is from an open-source context but a lot probably applies outside of it.

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Yes @lesteve Ur right, its a bit late for stating problems, sorry. Also thanks for reminding that how could I wrote my comment more friendly :slightly_smiling_face: :wink:

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