Notebook is not opening

I am not able to open a notebook in Module 1: Fitting a scikit-learn model on numerical data. I signed out, then back in. I am using Chrome on a Mac.

Yep JupyterHub is broken with the following error: 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/1.17.8 - #26 by F-Dem

@brospars Could you restart the service?

I just did. Can you confirm it’s back ?

I tried after restarting still it’s not getting connected

Did you refresh the page ?

Sorry now its back :sweat_smile:

See 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/1.17.8 - #29 by brospars for more info.

Back for me. Thank you!

Sadly, also wiped out all my changes to the notebook. :sleepy:

Only the first six “Code” cells are appearing in M1.02.

@davidforel you can reset your notebook to the original version, see How to go back to original version of a notebook? - #2.

Note that the original version of the notebook is the one from our repo, so if you had a lot of changes it looks like they are lost unfortunately :slightly_frowning_face:. Hopefully you were mostly running each cell in the notebook and you have not lost too much work!

FYI we think we know how to address the sporadic issues we have seen on our JupyterHub and hopefully these problems should stop happening :crossed_fingers:

@lesteve - My mistake. I was looking at the wrong notebook. I did not lose anything, I was just confused. :upside_down_face:

OK great :relieved:!