Asking to extend the quiz completion time for 1-2 more days

Hi, can someone provide me with the email id of the maintainer of the course? I was sick for 7 days in between due to the pandemic, I would request the course maintainer to allow me to complete the course, and the quizzes. I am at the beginning of module 6, and one day is not enough to complete the course, and all the quizzes. Please consider.

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Kindly help with same. Will be really helpful.

You don’t need to finish the course to get a cetificate. If your overall progress is more than 50% you can get a certificate and finish the course after the deadline. As you have reached module 6, I think thats more than 50% if you answered half of the quizes. Good Luck

I answered this in 2-day extension to be able to get the certificate? - #2 by lesteve.