Access to the course

Hi there

The ML course will be available as full lifetime access? Meaning that all course contents will still be available to access after 14 July 2021?

Thanks a lot.

The course content is openly located at GitHub - INRIA/scikit-learn-mooc: scikit-learn-mooc
You will be able to access it after July 14. The platform FUN with the computational resources to run the notebooks online will be close from this date. However, it is planned to create subsequent MOOC sessions on the platform later in the year.

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To add to @glemaitre58’s reply, the content of this first session of the MOOC (videos, quizzes, static version of Jupyter notebooks) will remain available to all registered users.


So If I wish to continue my learning on this MOOC (watching the videos, running the notebooks or answering the quizzes), I’d still be able to do it after 14th of July only from the GitHub site not from FUN MOOC platform, am I right?

Hi ajaykumar16 normaly on FUN you can have acces to all course you have started even after the end of the session. But you ll have no answer in forum, quizzes will not work and you can not obtain a certification if you did ont reach the treshold (here 50%) before the end of the session.

To complete the answer, quizzes are still available but only to practice because the button “Show answer” is directly proposed below the question.

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Thank you very much, that sounds perfect :slight_smile: