🤝 Introduce yourself

:wave: Hi everyone!
My name is Michał and i am looking forward to learning with all of you :slight_smile: I have some experience with Machine Learning and sci-kit learn and i hope to learn new things.
You can connect with me on twitter: https://twitter.com/miwojcz
Happy learning! :books:

Hello Everyone,

I am going to start this MOOC now, and hope to have fun.


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Hello, my name is José, I’m from Mexico and I’m studying a master’s degree in computer science and I’m interested in ML.

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Hey Everyone.

I am a 2nd year student pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from a university in India.
Excited about what lies ahead, the FUN MOOC has been surprising me with thier rich ML content till now.
Lets stay motivated and keep learning!

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Hi everyone,
I’m a third PhD student at Aix Marseille University in Neuroscience. As a data science enthousiastic, I am really glad to be here.
Let’s gooooo!!! :muscle:t4:

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Hi everyone,
I’m a first first year PhD student at Obafemi Awolowo University in Information Systems. Really glad to be here.

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Hello Everyone,

My name is Yacine, I am telecom engineer looking to improve my skills in Data Science.

I had one of the teacher in my class and I am excited to learn more.


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Hi everyone,

My name is Peter. I am a PhD student at Kyungpook National University, S. Korea… Really excited to be here.

Hello Everyone,

I am Yacine from Montreal. looking forwarding to learning and exchanging with all.

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Hi everybody,

I’m Alexis, a french beginner developper. I want to retrain in programming and machine learning is a subject that interests me a lot!

Hello everybody :slightly_smiling_face:
My name is Jennifer, I’m an engineer and my curiosity led me here. I can’t wait to expand my knowledge about the fantastic world of machine learning :star_struck:


I’m Sean. I live in Chicago, USA, and I’m a combination software engineer/data engineer/data scientist at a small company. I’m also working my way through the Pharo course right now, so I might be bouncing back and forth between the two courses a bit.

I’m working my way through the course to brush up on my scikit-learn skills because I haven’t used it in a few years, and also to see if it would be a good learning resource for others on my team at work.

I’m Bruno from France, I don’t work in the computer science field, but I’ve kept my true interest for it hidden for a very long time now :slight_smile: … such a MOOC is a great way to remain up to date, especially in the current AI “storm”.
I’ve found that all materials in this course are of very high quality, so I send a lot of :ok_hand: and :+1: to the MOOC’s team … and of course a lot of :wave: and :muscle: to my fellow students !

I’m Laurent and I’m a medical student in anesthesia and critical care in Clermont Ferrand. I’m here to improve my knowledge of Machine learning in order to follow a master of biostatistics.

Hello, I am curious about the July date of your post. Does it mean that you just started the course, or do you just post here now while having joined the course some time ago?

I joined at the opening of the course in mid-May, and I have struggled to keep the pace with work, life, sleep, and the Euro 2020!


Yes, I’m started the course two days ago !

Oops! I don’t know if you can always access the course content / Jupyter server after July 11…

Don’t worry, the Jupyter Hub server will be available after the certificates delivery until september.
You will be informed soon about it.


Hi @lrenardtriche @Marc_In_Singapore

Some more information about the quizzes deadline extended to july 13 and the availibitly of the notebooks after July 13 in the course info section.


A post was split to a new topic: 2-day extension to be able to get the certificate?